Health Medical

Adjusting to dentures with full confidence

Health & Medical Blog

From the outset, life with dentures may be riddled with a lot of question marks. What if I'm out on a date and I begin comically pronouncing certain words? What if I cannot eat while wearing dentures? What if my dentures aren't properly fitted? Indeed, there are so many 'what ifs' for the person who has just had their dentures fitted for the first time. This article provides some useful denture tips to help you put on dentures with self-confidence.

19 September 2017

Types of Hearing Aids Available For You

Health & Medical Blog

There are two types of hearing loss namely: Sensorinueral and Conductive hearing loss. Sensorineural happens when the tiny hair cells lining your outer ear are damaged and it can't be reversed. Conductive occurs due to malformations in the outer or middle ear or a physical blockage. This type of hearing loss can be reversed by having corrective surgery or treating infections that are in your middle ear. You can also consider using one of the following hearing aids.

12 September 2017